Monday, September 08, 2008

How cool is my phone? - ANSWERED

Apparently, not very. Well my phone is, but not Nokia’s SportsTracker. I took it out for a follow-up run two days after the first and was appalled at the results:

On Thursday, I took exactly the same route as I took on Tuesday except – for reasons I don’t want to get into (I WUSSED OUT, OK!) – I didn’t do the two laps around the football field that I did on the first run. So in effect, I ran about 700m less than earlier. SportsTracker though, begs to differ, insisting that I’ve run an additional 300m over my Tuesday run. Flattering as that is, it’s a ridiculous error of 1.0km (or 25%) over the initial 4.1km run! Holy Unacceptability, Batman!!!

My theory is the GPS system loses the satellite every once in a while and, in trying to get back on track, makes a series of dodgy assumptions. Or the app is just shit. Now there may be updates out there waiting to be downloaded or Nokia coder monkeys may be in their cellars hacking away at the problem as we type, but in present form… I’m putting SportsTracker to sleep.

Thursday's run of glory:

Sunday's piece of crap:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

workman, tools etc.